Yo Fucking Bro
The noise of a neighboring podcast personality begins to take over the personal life of a woman in more than one way.
Written by Bijoyeta Sahoriya Das / Produced & Directed by Julissa Scopino

Director's Statement
"Yo Fucking Bro" was my 2nd graduate film. This project was a great learning experience, allowing me to stretch my creative muscles in multiple ways.
The film's opening was inspired by Wong Kar-wai's film, "In The Mood for Love." We incorporated slow camera movements and the same lyrical feel of his monumental film.
This film explores the themes of love, trust, and cross-cultural dating.
Contrasting vibes between the evening shots, which convey a much more sexy vibe, and everything seems heightened by illusion and seduction, versus the day shots, where everything is more visible and in your face. We approached the day scene with natural lighting, whereas night is saturated with color. Camera style and color were big players here.
My favorite shot in the film is when the female actress, Jayshree, approaches the front door and nestles herself inside a frame-within-frame shot of Mason's arm. This was my "must-have' shot.